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Ben Hornok is a constitutional conservative with a rock-solid voting record to prove it. He helped lead the Wyoming Freedom Caucus in offering more than $700 million in common sense cuts to the state's historically bloated budget and unapologetically fights the woke Left at every turn. Ben has my full endorsement for re-election.

— Senator Mike Lee (R-UT)

Representative Ben Hornok is thoughtful, kind, hardworking, and very conscientious of his actions concerning the citizens of Wyoming. I highly recommend we keep him as our Representative in House District 42. Having worked with him for two years in the legislature, I know he will continue to serve on our behalf in a manner we can all be proud of.                 

— Senator Lynn Hutchings (WY SD 5)

 Ben’s voting record and conduct in the legislature proves that he is the conservative Republican and statesman that you first entrusted to serve as your representative in 2022. As a husband, Ben is strong, loyal, dependable, respectful, considerate, and he has a great sense of humor; he has exhibited these same qualities as our representative. Ben spends a great deal of time and effort diving deep into legislative topics and the budget while running his small business and remaining dedicated to his daily Bible reading and our family. He has worked to bring much needed light and transparency to the legislature. Ben truly enjoys talking with constituents, and he incorporates your correspondence into his work as our representative because he knows your insight is invaluable. In the legislature, Ben consistently brings amendments to improve bills and thoughtfully engages in debate as he defends our conservative values—life, guns, family, liberty, and limited government. When he is faced with opposition, I am impressed with his ability to remain calm, clearheaded and respectful while standing strong in his position. I admire his passion to preserve our Wyoming way of life so it remains the place we all want to live, work and raise a family. Ben often asks, ‘If we lose Wyoming, what do we have left?’ We thank you for your prayers and support, and we would be humbled and honored for Ben to be re-elected as House District 42 Representative.

— Carrie Hornok

I am proud to endorse Ben Hornok as my state representative. He consistently upholds Wyoming values with a strong conservative voting record. Ben is highly accessible and approachable, always attentive to the concerns of his constituents. He has proven his leadership by effectively listening to and addressing our needs throughout his term. I have full confidence in his ability to navigate legislative challenges and genuinely advocate for our community's best interests.                                   

— Christopher J., HD 42 Voter

Ben Hornok has a proven conservative record as our representative in House District 42. Never before have I had such open lines of communication with a representative. He truly listens to his constituents and cares what we think. Ben follows through and stands firm in what he believes even when it’s tough.                         

— Erin Waszkiewicz, HD 42 Voter

Having Ben Hornok in the Wyoming Legislature is critical to Wyoming’s future. Ben is a working man, not a career politician, and like you and me, he wants better than the status quo. Ben Hornok has stood firm these last two years for conservative values in all of his voting decisions. He has called for accountability and held true to family values we want for our children’s children in Wyoming. Ben is a stalwart in our community, he stands for the entire Republican Platform, and has called other Republicans to do the same. He stands for the US and Wyoming Constitutions and works to make sure that sanctity of life, individual autonomy, limited government thus lower taxes are fought for in the Wyoming Legislature! We wouldn’t vote for any man other than Ben Hornok for House District 42 in Wyoming!


— Rob & Allesa S., HD 42 Voters

Ben Hornok is a voice we must retain in the Wyoming House. As his voting record shows, he will stand up for Wyoming values, the WYGOP platform, and the citizens he represents. He has been and will again be a strong voice for us in the LCGOP. Ben has always been responsive to comments and questions I have both in person and by email or other electronic means. Please vote for Ben for the House in the Wyoming primary on August 20th.                           

— Larry D., HD 42 Voter

Ben is our dear, trustworthy friend and neighbor. He is a defender of constitutional rights and a strong supporter of the 1st and 2nd Amendments. Ben does his homework on Wyoming issues and works to solve Wyoming’s problems, not create them. He is active in Republican politics at the local and state level and is well liked among conservative Republicans. Ben is a champion of conservative values for the state of Wyoming and Laramie County.

— Ted & Dori M., HD 42 Voters

Ben Hornok has my endorsement to be re-elected to the State Legislature because he is one of the strongest supporters of our Second Amendment Rights. This is needed because our governor has shown no regard for the Second Amendment as his veto of the bill that would have done away with gun free zones (or as I call it "Criminal Safe Zones") clearly shows. So I urge you to vote for Ben Hornok.

— Howard L., HD 42 Voter

Ben stands up to the liberals and the RINOs; I've witnessed that in meetings. He is firmly on the Christian and conservative side of issues. I'm glad he's fighting for the conservative cause.

— Bruce & Nancy S., HD 42 Voters

Paid for by Ben Hornok for Wyoming
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