My Foundation
Wyoming State Sovereignty
The federal government's powers are only those granted by the U.S. Constitution and everything else should be left up to the state and the citizens it represents.
2024 Budget Session: I co-sponsored HB0091 Health Mandates-CDC and WHO jurisdiction in Wyoming, HB0129 Statutory standing committees-federal review and SJ0001 Resolution demanding equal footing.
2023 General Session: I co-sponsored HB0212 Statutory standing committees-federal review.
By God's design, all babies begin life at conception. Further, I believe legislators must work to promote adoption instead of abortion.
2024 Budget Session: I co-sponsored HB0137 Chemical abortions-ultrasound requirement.
2023 General Session: I co-sponsored HB0152 Life is a Human Right Act and SF0109 Prohibiting chemical abortions.
Wyoming Right To Life Platinum Award Winner - 67th Legislature
2nd Amendment
Should you be afraid of your government or should your government be afraid of you? This right protects every freedom we have and it must always be upheld.
2024 Budget Session: I co-sponsored HB0125 Repeal gun free zones and preemption amendments and SF0109 Prohibit Red Flag Gun Seizure Act.
2023 General Session: I co-sponsored HB0250 Stop Red Flags Act and SF0135 Repeal gun free zones-government buildings and meetings.
Endorsed by:
Government Transparency
Imagine knowing how every legislator voted on every issue and how every tax dollar is spent.
2024 Budget Session: I sponsored HB0201 State Auditor payment transparency. I co-sponsored HB0061 Fiscal accountability and transparency in education and HB0162 Public meetings-executive sessions amendments
Parental Rights in Education
Parents should be able to choose the best form of education for their children and be certain that education dollars follow the student.
I am opposed to social indoctrination, including CRT and gender ideology, in publicly funded education. Students should be taught true history and facts in public schools; it is the responsibility of parents to educate their children on social issues.
Children should not have access to sexually explicit books in schools or libraries.
2024 Budget Session: I sponsored HB0068 Obscenity-impartial conformance and HB0136 Gender identity-definition repeal. I co-sponsored HB0050 What is a Woman Act, HB0128 Wyoming Freedom Scholarship Act, HB0132 Ban on teaching and training critical race theory and HB0190 Parental rights in education.
2023 General Session: I sponsored HB0220 Prohibiting pornography in schools. I co-sponsored HB0087 Crimes of obscenity-revisions, HB0194 Wyoming freedom scholarship act, HB0205 Ban on teaching and training critical race theory, SF0143 Wyoming freedom scholarship act-2, SF0174 Wyoming charter school authorizing board.
Medical Freedom
Per the Wyoming Constitution, every individual has the right to make their own decisions for personal medical care without government interference or coercion.
2024 Budget Session: I co-sponsored HB0057 Parental rights regarding vaccination; HB0059 Prohibiting mask, vaccine and testing discrimination and HB0115 Donated blood-mRNA disclosure.
2023 General Session: I co-sponsored HB0066 Prohibiting mask, vaccine and testing discrimination and HB0119 Medical prescriptions-off label purposes.